Georgia Watercolor Society interview..

(from 2018 interview by the Georgia Watercolor Society with Frank)

  1. You have so many successes. What is the one with which you are the most satisfied? Meeting my wife Barbara in art school 68 years ago.

  2. Do you have a favorite place or subject to paint? Why? My studio where I work from pencil value patterns made from all over the world. The caress of my hand is on the lintel of my studio door when I enter. There I am ensconced in a realm of  temporary freedom from the dirty devises of the world.

  3.  What is the funniest thing an art student has asked you? During a PTA sponsored demo for first graders one kid asked me, “ Where do you get your stuff?” Another asked me, “How much money do you make?

    The cover of your book, Frank Webb's Life and Art prompted my next 2 questions:

  4. How do you keep you motivation in action with painting when your time is so divided among teaching, writing, and marketing your work? I design my life just as I design my paintings. I give a priority to each task. When successful I have time for a nap as well.

  5.  What do you do to keep painting fun? If I work often enough, some of them are good enough to excite me to more dedication.  Nature contributes, contemplating my belly button aids, but the strongest incitement is art. Art begets art.

  6. Do you have plans for other books? Perhaps a self-published book, thus I would be free to go beyond the “How to” and range into more esthetic philosophy.


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