Jurors and other low life forms…

I have had the privilege of being a juror in over 100 national and regional exhibitions. It is always a bitter/sweet experience; sweet because excellence should be recognized and bitter because often-capable work must be declined due to space limitations.  My two favorite quotes related to jurying are: “In art as in love, we are always astonished by what is chosen by others”, and “Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment”. The juror is usually asked to write a statement for the catalog. When I write these I try to think of the painters as well as those who will behold the works. I also consider the position of the one whose work was declined. He or she has every right to question the parentage of the juror.

            If the juror is a painter then he or she has no doubt been the declined one from time to time. The only ones who never get declined are those who never enter one of these gallant competitions.

Frank Webb


The Anatomy of a Painting


Georgia Watercolor Society interview..