A Good Juror

I think a juror should, first of all, be a painter. A painter will know painting from the inside out, and will recognize a good painting when beholding one. Qualities of paintings will be varied. One painting will make its claim by way of excellent shapes; another by its idiosyncratic color, while a third will exude energetic calligraphy. The overriding qualities that attract my attention are composition and a creative concept. I enjoy seeing the delight and the engagement of the painter dished up on paper in a unique manner. Composition and concept are what make any painting into a work of art. Without these two qualities a painting remains merely a rendering. When sifting the degrees of excellence of many entries I also try to get into the painter's head and heart. Every painting is a communication of thinking and feeling, addressed to an audience. I hope that you, the beholder will find your own visual sustenance among these works.  Enjoy!

Frank Webb 


Georgia Watercolor Society interview..


Art = Design + Communication