Why I wrote “Webb on Watercolor”

It was written for the serious painter who not only needs information on technique, but ways to combine technique with conception.  Vague impulses lead us to paint. These stirrings include desires, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. Each of us wants paint more creatively, to grow independently from others, to discern our own subject matter, to find our own style, to discover our own color, and to develop a sense of criticism toward our work.

Q:  Who should buy this book?

A: Any serious painter who wishes to become more creative. Ask yourself this question, “Do I have me in this painting”? This book will put you in your painting.

Q: You were a successful illustrator, how did you make the switch into fine art?

A: I perceived the links between these two realms are design and the use of  art materials.

Q: How did you come to focus on watercolor?

A: Commercial work left me with limited free time. Watercolor allows me to make a painting in one hour. In 1980 I left my business to devote full time to painting and teaching. To me, watercolor is most expressive when it is presented as partial statement.

Q: What is the significance of teaching?

A: The teacher learns more than anyone. While that experience applies to me, it also benefits the student and gives me satisfaction that I am putting something back into my profession.

Q: What other rewards have come from your book?

A: In writing one can say with precision exactly what is meant. I also enjoy having included the paintings of others who I admire. It is 26 years that Webb On Watercolor has been in print. In the more than 500 workshops that I have conducted, People come up to me to have their copies signed. These are often well marked with comments offering proof of study.

Frank Webb



Frank Webb, AWS “Living Legend”


An Interview with Frank on Color: Use and Choice